Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing!
Written by Patricia Hubbell 2011 Marshall Cavendish
Horses do all kinds of things. They race around tracks, haul wagons, herd animals, and more. They need a lot of care from their owners, including brushing and exercise. Horses come in many sizes and colors. Joe Mathieu’s adorable illustrations rendered in watercolor and pencil bring fun to learning all about horses. Do you have a horse in your life? Clip-clop-clop! Includes an illustrated list of popular horse breeds. -Amazon
Special thanks go to Sharon Lerner and Susan Jeffers, horse experts, who were so generous with their time and expertise.
What a joy to illustrate a book all about horses on such a nice large format and with such a high quality of printing!
Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing! Pages

Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing! pages 4-5
Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing! pages 8-9
Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing! pages 16-17
Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing! pages 24-25
Horses: Trotting! Prancing! Racing! coverwraparound

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